Making Practice Stick

Hello, Practising the Piano readers!

A warm welcome to, a place dedicated to teaching piano differently and supporting creativity and innovation in music education.

I hope you enjoyed reading my article: Making Practice Stick on Graham’s blog today.

I had a lot of fun putting it together and hope it’s been valuable in your thinking about effective practice. I’ve long been an admirer of Graham’s work and was honoured to have been able to share my writing with you.

Please click the image below to download your Making Practice Stick Infographic. I hope you find it useful in your own practice and/or teaching:

how to make learning stick

If you enjoyed this article, you might like to watch the podcast that I did with Graham all about practice:

piano practice tips

You might also like to check out some of my other top posts and podcasts:

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I hope you enjoy exploring! If you’ve got any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.
